Services we offer
Over decades BHDT has expanded its own engineering capacity and upgraded it step by step by implementing state-of-the-art software tools.
Today, we are not only able to perform analytical calculations based on internationally recognized design guidelines, but also to put complex numerical calculation methods such as FEM and CFD into effect. Flexibility studies of piping systems are another feature of our Design and Engineering expertise.
The latest CNC manufacturing technologies are applied to our production processes. Our in-house tube processing center, in which deep-hole drilled high-pressure tubes are manufactured, definitely represents a unique selling point on the market. Non-destructive materials testing (NDT) is an important technology in high-pressure equipment fabrication in order to ensure the integrity of the finished components. For this reason, BHDT performs NDT up to 100%, even if this exceeds the design code requirements.
The satisfaction of our customers is BHDT‘s top priority. The availability of a large number of qualified site supervisors and service technicians enables us to ensure that we can also provide our customers with full support during installation, commissioning and the servicing of their plants.